
 Supporting the emotional well being of the children in uncertain times….

I have to say that like many of us working in the early years, the impact that the current crisis may have had on the mental health of our children was a major concern for everyone at Ashton House. As we fast approached our reopening, we put great thought into the different ways that we could support the emotional well-being of our children as they began to take steps towards returning to nursery life. I had worried about the impact that the mountain of Covid-19 restrictions would have on the children’s freedom; limiting their explorations is not something that we are accustomed to. But whilst the list of ‘could not’s’ was long, it transpired that our weather warrior, Reggio inspired attitudes provided an environment where little had to change.

For our children the idea of spending boundless amounts of time in the great outdoors was ‘normal’. This provided the essential comfort that they craved as they slowly returned to Ashton House. The children showed me that the importance of secure relationships is more reaching than those that we can share with the people we love; a relationship with a place can bring as much comfort and joy in unsettling times. The familiarity of the outdoors was like a hug from nature. The allotment, the meadow and the forests offered vast possibilities yet to be discovered and a calming beauty to feed the soul. The mental health benefits were immeasurable!

Beth Mayers - Early Years Educator

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