At Ashton House Nursery, we value your feedback greatly and use this to improve our service, enabling us to provide the best possible care for your child.
We would like to thank all 179 parents across both our locations who completed our 2021 Questionnaire and for your kind comments.
We are currently in the process of implementing changes based on your suggestions and comments.
Some of your kind comments…
“Outstanding, no other local nursery has anything comparable.”
“From my experience my little boy has settled so well because of the staffs kindness, friendly and patience I feel like they love my son as much as me, which makes me feel happy he is happy when I leave him His personality, abilities, behaviour has improved so much in so many areas since joining this setting”
“The lengths the nursery has gone to this summer with water slides, mud slides, water pistols, painting outside- it’s so imaginative and so fun!”
“My son has lots of allergies and the nursery have been outstanding at managing and accommodating everything & notifying us if there’s any concerns. It makes things a challenging situation so much easier to deal with.”
“We have watched our son grow in confidence over the past seven months. He comes home singing new songs; he now has the confidence to volunteer for an activity and to help a friend climb up a hill.”
“I can’t fault the ethos or curriculum I’m loving that he has started forest school with Heather that’s his perfect life with animals and mud and wellies Learning to ride bikes cooking on fires it’s just such an amazing start to his education and experiences I do believe it’s moulding his future personality/ joys/ hobbies etc”
“Just wonderful staff who over the course of the pandemic have been incredible - they’ve kept up the pretence of normality, made the environment safe and secure and have made it a fun place to go! I can’t thank the staff enough for continuing to come in during lockdowns and keeping such an amazing spirit and attitude going.”
Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Brooks, the winners of the draw for 1 free session of childcare!